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Bombshell Page 16

  Before 1983, the appeal of the Tamil Tigers was limited to a small segment of disaffected young men. The rural poor were ambivalent; few supported the LTTE even though they might have been sympathetic to its goals.31 After the 1983 attacks, however, support for the LTTE increased dramatically. One observer estimated the pre-1983 membership at a maximum of 600. By March 1983, after the pogrom, LTTE support exceeded 10,000.32 The Tigers drew support from marginalized Tamils who resented their second-class-citizen status and from the growing number of internally displaced people.

  The government ramped up its emergency powers when it passed the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, which effectively banned the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) from parliament. The amendment outlawed any political party from advocating secession within Sri Lanka. Violating the law could have dire consequences including the forfeiture of property, loss of passport, and the loss of any professional license. All members of parliament were required to take an oath to uphold the constitution and all of its amendments. The TULF ’s commitment to creating a separate state thus meant that it was now illegal. With no political parties allowed to represent the aspirations of Tamils, violence became their sole means of political action.

  Significant support for the terrorists came from expatriate Tamils who had fled the country for Britain, Malaysia, India, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Australia, and the United States. The LTTE and international terrorist groups such as the Baader-Meinhof Gang, the PLO, the ANC, and the Provisional IRA cooperated and occasionally shared tactics and technology.33 However, as the LTTE became the preeminent terrorist organization in the world by virtue of its reach and effectiveness—for a time, its forces were a match for those of the government of Sri Lanka—it increasingly resisted offers to share its lethal technology with other groups. The Tamil Tigers came to see themselves as legitimate insurgents rather than terrorists.34

  Following the 1983 pogrom, more than 150,000 refugees from the northern regions of Sri Lanka fled to Tamil Nadu in southern India. Many Tamils who had previously lived among the Sinhalese in the central and southern parts of the country also migrated to the north and east of the island. This demographic shift strengthened the Tamil belief in a homeland of their own. It also established a close link between the Tamils of Sri Lanka and the Tamils of India.35

  A car bomb exploded at a bus station in Colombo at the end of April 1987, killing 113 people. The government, faced with popular outrage, launched an “all-out offensive” on the Jaffna Peninsula and, by the end of May, captured it at great cost in life and property. Thousands of the area’s inhabitants were displaced. As the violence escalated, India decided to send in humanitarian relief. When a flotilla of boats carrying supplies to the Tamils was turned back by the Sri Lankan navy, India dropped humanitarian relief supplies by air—in violation of Sri Lankan airspace.

  Sri Lanka came under great international pressure to solve the conflict. There had been intermittent but short-lived efforts at negotiating peace over the years. The Indian government strong-armed both the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE into supporting an Indian intervention. On July 29, 1987, Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan president J.R. Jayewardene signed the Indo–Sri Lankan Accord.36 The Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) arrived on the island with ten thousand troops on July 30 to help protect the Tamil population. However, they eventually turned their forces loose on the civilian population. At the peak of the intervention, India deployed four divisions (almost 80,000 men), including three infantry divisions as well as paramilitary and special forces.37

  The accord was intended to provide a conceptual framework to resolve the conflict and to outline arrangements to share power between the warring communities. It declared that Sri Lanka was “a multiethnic and multilingual plural society” consisting of four ethnic groups: Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, and Burghers. The accord recognized that the northern and eastern provinces had been “areas of historical habitation” of the Tamil-speaking population. “Thus without conceding the claim that the northeast constituted part of the traditional homelands of the Tamils, the accord provided cautious acknowledgement of the distinct character of the region.”38 This wording was significant because it framed a policy of bilingualism and a provincial council scheme, and called for the temporary merger of the northern and eastern provinces as a partially separate authority.

  In Tamil Nadu, the Tamil stronghold in India, the IPKF came to be considered an invading and oppressive military force. At the same time the Indian government became alarmed at the implications of its support for a secessionist movement in Sri Lanka when there was similar agitation (for Sikhs in Khalistan) within its own borders and the possibility of a spillover effect as Sri Lankan Tamils influenced Tamils on the mainland. When the LTTE resisted the presence of the Indian troops (Prabhakaran was unhappy with this arrangement from the get-go) there were massive Indian casualties—more than a thousand. The Indian soldiers turned against the Tamils and started killing not just LTTE supporters but also Tamil civilians. More than seven thousand Tamil Tigers and thousands more civilians died in the ensuing confrontations. The Indians became guilty of all the abuses, including rape and extrajudicial killing, that they had been sent to stop. In the final analysis, India moved from being a mediator in the conflict to becoming a direct participant.39

  The Indian intervention sparked reactions from both Tamils and right-wing Sinhalese groups. Both the LTTE and the JVP repudiated the accord and briefly coordinated their efforts to get Indian forces out of the country.40 Prabhakaran wrote to Gandhi several times,41 asking him to reconsider India’s course of action. He told Gandhi that he was prepared to disarm in exchange for a cease-fire agreement. According to Tamil sources, “Rajiv Gandhi wanted to kill Prabhakaran and completely exterminate the entire LTTE fighting force, thus putting an end to the goal of an independent Tamil Eelam. So, far from halting the war, he inducted 150,000 more Indian soldiers into Tamil areas to execute his plan. As a result the war continued unabated.”42

  The struggle continued bloodily and without a decisive result until 1989, when the Sri Lankan government together with the LTTE requested the IPKF’s withdrawal. In the years that followed, the Sri Lankan government took up the offensive, mounting successive and increasingly violent campaigns of its own against the Tigers. These took the form not only of open military engagements, but also of harassment and abuse of the civilian population. This is corroborated by several studies that showed, among other things, that the sexual nature of the government troops’ harassment helped to mobilize young women into the LTTE and was one of the organization’s best recruiting tools. Entire villages were razed in remote areas of the island. The government organized a systematic campaign of “disappearances,” while turning a blind eye toward the use of rape by its own military forces. In particular, sexual abuse of Tamil women during checkpoint searches, intended to dehumanize them, was common.43

  In response to these tactics, civilians joined the Tigers in droves. During a 1990 offensive, for example, the Sri Lankan army arbitrarily arrested 183 people from the village of Kokkurill, including many women and children. In the years that followed, the village sacrificed more lives for the cause than any other in Sri Lanka: one hundred of the five hundred men in the village left to fight for the rebels, never to return.44


  In a region where women’s rights were few, the LTTE had the highest number of female suicide bombers in the world (and a significant percentage of female frontline fighters) because of its verbal support of gender equality. Military roles were gender-neutral, and the glory of martyrdom was bestowed equally upon men and women. But unlike the men, who usually sought to become martyrs for the glory of the community, some of the female bombers took on the role out of desperation or as a last resort.45

  Not only did women constitute an important part of the LTTE’s military leadership, but they also had their own combat divisions and participated at almost every l
evel of fighting. They died in battle just like the men, and the Sri Lankan government targeted them for assassination regardless of their gender. From the point of view of the LTTE, there was even a psychological advantage to be gained by using women to defeat the Sri Lankan military in a country where women were seen as second-class citizens.

  The organization trained the women in karate, hand-to-hand combat, the use of automatic weapons, and the techniques of suicide bombing. They even showed the women how to walk and sit as if they were pregnant, while carrying explosives around their waists. Once the female operatives were trained, the LTTE held them in reserve, to release whenever they wanted to flex their muscles. The organization enforced a strict code of personal conduct. Cadres were forbidden to drink alcohol, take drugs, or engage in premarital sex. They were all issued a glass vial of cyanide to wear around their necks and instructed to bite down on the cylinder in the event of capture. The cadres followed these strictures willingly and esteemed Prabhakaran with an almost cult-like devotion.

  Prabhakaran was personally credited with establishing the separate unit for female cadres. He was confident that women had the potential for military training and combat. Prabhakaran was determined that women should have equal opportunity for participation in all aspects of armed struggle and issued a statement of equal rights on International Women’s Day, March 8, 1992:

  Today young women have taken up arms to liberate our land. They have made supreme sacrifices to this cause, to the amazement of the world. I am proud to say that the birth, growth, and expansion of the women’s military wing is a remarkable achievement, which marked a historical turning point in our struggle.46

  Four years later, Prabhakaran further empowered Tamil women, saying, “For the awakening of a nation and the salvation of womanhood, the Tamil Eelam revolutionary woman has transformed herself into a tigress! Fierce and fiery, she has taken up arms to fight injustice.”47 The LTTE was adept at contextualizing the notions of martyrdom and selflessness into Tamil society. Peter Schalk, a professor of religion at Uppsala University, described the ideology of self-sacrifice employed by the LTTE as tiyäkam or “abandonment (of life),” a rather specifically Indian form of martyrdom cultivated in both male and female fighters. The abandonment of life (tiyäkam), for the Black Tiger is not suicide, but a gift of self-sacrifice that has Christian nuances. “A martyr of the LTTE has not chosen like the Christian martyr to suffer. The concept of tiyäkam that has its roots in the last section of the Bhagavad-Gita was revived in the struggle for independence of India.”48 Peter Schalk considers that the LTTE ”martyr” is ready to get killed so that some others may be liberated.

  Using these precedents for the concept of self-sacrifice, Prabhakaran established a special unit of the LTTE composed of specially selected individuals trained for suicide bombing operations.49 “Tiger leader Velupillai Prabhakaran’s real genius was to build a culture of sacrifice and martyrdom around his guerrilla force, with himself as demi-god leader.”50 Prabhakaran stressed that he had “groomed his weak brethren into a strong weapon called the Black Tigers. They possessed an iron will, yet their hearts were still soft. They could perceive their interests to prevent their own annihilation. Yet they did not fear death. They eagerly awaited the day they would die. This was the era of the Black Tigers. No force on earth could suppress the uprising of Tamils who would seek freedom.”51

  According to critics of the LTTE, Prabhakaran used women as cannon fodder. The women were segregated and had no real power. Detractors further allege that it was the practice of the LTTE leadership to use women cadres on the most vulnerable frontiers. Not so, according to Tiger supporter Adele Ann Wilby (who was married to LTTE leader Anton Balasingham): “Women such as these belong to a totally new world, a world outside a normal woman’s life … They have taken up a life that bears little resemblance at all to the ordinary existence of women. Training and carrying weapons, confronting battle conditions, enduring the constant emotional strain of losing close associates, facing death almost every day, are situations that most women not only wish to avoid, but feel ill-atease with. But not the women fighters of the LTTE. They have literally flourished under such conditions and created for them not only a new women’s military structure but also a legend of fighting capability and bravery.”52

  While the women fighters were exalted by their supporters, it remains the case that many of them had been the victims of abuse, assault, or rape. The LTTE explicitly used this fact as leverage, telling the women that they could either be victims of the state or join the organization and fight the aggressors. Large billboards that lined the dirt roads throughout the northern part of the island showed clearly that Sri Lankan soldiers were likely to rape Tamil women, whose only chance of maintaining their chastity was to become Tigers and fight back. Still other women, as we shall see, were not merely pressured to join but were actually kidnapped or sold into the organization.

  Those who had not been coerced found other reasons to become Tigers. Peer pressure was a factor: young women and girls who were friends tended to join the Tigers in groups. Others were influenced by personal experience. Tamil sources recounted to me how one woman joined after her boyfriend was arrested, killed, and his corpse left in the village market for all to see. Another told me that one night she was alone at home thinking and listening to LTTE songs; the next day she and a few of her friends left their school to sign up. Once one girl in a village joined, there was a snowball effect of others wanting to join the organization too.53

  Once in, members were in for keeps. Few ever betrayed the movement and escape was exceedingly difficult—and more than likely to result in death. It appears that it was also much more difficult for women to escape than it was for men. Two women on the east coast who had been kidnapped by the LTTE ran away from the LTTE base camp and sought refuge at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugess (UNHCR); they were found dead days later, en route to an interview with this author. These women faced an impossible dilemma. Their initial disappearance from their village could mean only one thing: that they had joined the LTTE. If they escaped and returned to the village, they had to report immediately to the police station where, as members of an outlawed organization, they were subject to detention and the abuse that was sure to follow. If they returned (or were forced to return) to the LTTE camp, they would be branded as traitors, which would carry an immediate death sentence. For women, escape from the organization was dangerous at best.


  Among the first things I noticed when I traveled in the Tamil regions of Sri Lanka in 2002 were the ubiquitous barbed wire and the signs, with images of smiling skulls and crossbones, that warned succinctly of the presence of land mines. Barbed-wire fences crisscrossed the lush green countryside. Corrugated-metal shacks riddled with bullet holes were visible evidence of the long civil war and the intense fighting that had scarred this place. The roads in Tamil Eelam were not paved. There was no running water or electricity and raw sewage ran freely in the gutters. The Sri Lankan government neglected the infrastructure in the Tamil areas, a fact that became even more obvious in the aftermath of the December 2004 tsunami, when international aid was distributed strictly along ethnic lines. The majority of the Tamils reside in the most basic rural settings.

  As I traveled through the Vanni region, pictures of suicide bombers and martyrs were displayed everywhere. Everyone knew the bombers’ names. Their images, printed up in slick pamphlets and distributed at Heroes’ Day celebrations, were collector’s items. Glossy booklets listed the name, date of birth, and age at death of every martyr, along with the time of the attack, where the attack occurred, and a photograph of the bomber’s face. Young Tamils knew their names the way American children know the names of sports stars. The organization had actually toyed with the idea of issuing trading cards of the martyrs. Young people looked up to them and wanted to emulate their heroic acts of courage.

  Among the people I spoke with, most were inspired by an
extreme ethnic nationalism and complete dedication to Velupillai Prabhakaran. Others told reporter Francis Harrison, “We are given moral support by our leader and we have reached this position only because of him.”54 Prabhakaran was well aware of his charisma and his superstar impact. One of the highlights of a suicide bomber’s preparation for his or her mission was the last meal he or she enjoyed with LTTE leaders. In some cases, the would-be bomber had dinner with Prabhakaran himself, who at the end of the meal offered to do the dishes, a symbolic act of great significance in a society where men rarely perform menial chores.

  The question remains: Were the women in the movement brainwashed or did they join willingly? The answer is, likely a bit of both. In the pages that follow, I introduce three female combatants, Darshika, Puhalchudar, and Menake, all of whom were groomed to follow in Dhanu’s infamous footsteps. All three were members of the Tamil Tigers’ elite suicide bombing squad, the Freedom Birds division of the Black Tigers. Darshika and Puhalchudar awaited their final orders for a suicide mission, while Menake languished in prison after a failed suicide bomb attempt.


  Ultimately, the women of the LTTE were motivated to join the organization and to fight the Sri Lankan state for a mixture of political and personal reasons. One suicide bomber defined the combination of factors that drove her to act succinctly: “The harassment that I and my parents have suffered at the hands of the army makes me want to take revenge … It is a question of Tamil pride, especially after so much sacrifice. There is no escape.”55

  Darshika joined the movement as a result of personal loss and from a firm belief that the Tamil Tigers was the only group that could provide her with security. She was twenty-four when she was interviewed by Norwegian filmmaker Beate Arnestad, but had left home to join the Malathi regiment of the LTTE when she was twelve. She was eventually promoted to the Black Tigers.